Shop review 4.83/5

White bread

1 person
01h 30


  • Bread flour 7.40 oz
  • Salt 0.14 oz
  • Water 4.65 fl oz
  • Yeast 0.14 oz


  1. 1. KNEADING Place all of the ingredients inside the Lékué Bread Maker and mix them by hand until you get a smooth and elastic dough (you also have the option of doing this with the help of a food processor).
  2. 2. RESTING Use kitchen roll or a cloth to lightly spread oil over the surface of the kitchen onto which you are going to empty the dough. Form a single ball and cover it with a cloth and set aside for 20 minutes.
  3. 3. FORMING THE BUNS When 20 minutes have passed, divide the dough into six 60gr pieces. Roll them into balls and give them a slightly elongated shape as you place them in the Lékué mould. When all of the dough is in the mould, use your fingers to make sure that it covers the entire length of the mould and then cover again with a cloth.
  4. 4. RISING Leave the bread to rise until it doubles in size (approximately 1 hour, depending on the room temperature). At the same time, heat the oven to a temperature of 200 º C (cooking from above/below and fan-assisted) and place the rack in the middle of the oven. It is important that you remove any other trays that might be inside the oven, as they would prevent the air from circulating properly.
  5. COOKING With the oven preheated to 200º C, place the Lékué mould on the oven rack. Bake the buns for approximately 15 minutes.
  6. Using oven gloves so that you don’t get burnt, remove the rack and bread mould from the oven. Turn the buns out of the mould and put them directly on top of the rack, on top of the kitchen worktop, to allow them to cool. After a few minutes they’ll be ready to taste!
  7. NOTE: Those rolls that we do not consume on that same day can be stored in a plastic bag in the fridge.