Shop review 4.83/5

Spinach Terrine

4 people
01h 20


  • Pre-heat oven 30 minutes in advance to 160º C
  • 60 g. butter
  • 60 g. flour
  • 600 g. milk
  • 250 g. fresh spinach
  • 5 beaten eggs
  • salt


  1. Prepare a béchamel sauce: heat the butter, add the flour and cook over a medium heat without browning for two minutes; add the milk and allow to thicken for a few minutes. Remove from the heat and add the washed spinach leaves. Mix in the beaten eggs and season with salt. Fill the mould and bake in a bain-marie in the oven at 160º C for one hour. Turn out when cool. Try adding cubes of sautéed bacon and raisins to the mixture.