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Poached egg with chicken, asparagus, rocket and Parmesan

1 person
00h 00


  • 1 large free range fresh egg
  • 3 asparagus tips, sliced
  • 25 g chicken breast, shredded
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • Few strands of fresh rocket
  • 15 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 15g toasted pine nuts (optional)
  • 1 slice buttered toast, crusts removed


  1. Place the chicken inside the OVO, top with the asparagus and season with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. Close the Ovo with the lid and cook for 30 seconds in the microwave on full power. Carefully break the egg on top of the asparagus and chicken. Close the Ovo and cook in the microwave on full power( 800W) for 20 seconds. Carefully lift off the lid and then place the lid back on and continue to cook for a further 30 seconds. Take the OVO out of the oven again and check to see that the egg has just cooked but the egg yolk is runny. If it isn't then replace the lid and the heat trapped inside will cook the egg. Butter a slice of hot toast firstly removing the crusts and carefully upend the egg on to the toast. Place the rocket leaves on top, sprinkle with pine nuts (if using) and grated cheddar cheese. Finally drizzle over a little olive oil and serve immediately.