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Egg with bacon, potato and onion

1 person
00h 25

Enjoy a different way to prepare and accompany eggs!


  • 1 egg
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • 1 spring onion
  • 1 potato, approx
  • 50 g Salt and pepper


  1. Peel the potatos, cut them into cubes and cook the potato cubes in salted water until they are soft. Put the bacon in the OVO, so that the slices cross each other at the bottom of the mould. Crack an egg and whisk it using a fork. Stir in the cooked potato cubes and finely chopped rings of the spring onion. Season with salt and pepper and pour the mixture in the OVO mould. Put the OVO for approx. 15 minutes in a pot of gently boiling water or put it for approx. 90 seconds at 800W in themicrowave.